updated on 2015-10-27 09:47:26 GMT+02:00
Time | Presentation | Files | Video |
18:00 | Meet 'n' greet party, early registration | - | - |
Time | Presentation | Files | Video |
08:00 | Check-in and Exhibitor hall opens. Bring your printed tickets | - | - |
09:00 | Opening and introduction, new products by Sergejs Boginskis (MikroTik, Latvia) | - | - |
10:00 | Wireless: Como calcular los niveles de señal necesarios by Ing. Mario Clep (MKE Solutions, Argentina) | - | - |
10:45 | El quiere presentar de como hacer un enlace de 143km con antenas mANT30y offset 90 degree by José Alfredo García D. (Writel Bolivia S.R.L, Bolivia) | - | - |
11:15 | CAPsMAN Case study by Uldis Cernevskis (MikroTik, Latvia) | - | - |
12:15 | Lunch | - | - |
13:45 | Mikrotik Security and best practices by Wilmer Rojas V. (Expert Inova networks SRL, Bolivia) | - | - |
14:15 | KVM Installation and ERP for android web apliciones and power by using mikrotik hotspot by Cesar Rojas Castro (EEKIS BOLIVIA SRL, Bolivia) | - | - |
14:45 | Optical Fiber Metropolitan Network by Jorge Antonio Daza Arredondo (GRAND Enterprise Technology and Networking SRL, Bolivia) | - | - |
15:15 | Academy Mikrotik UDI by Jhonny Paniagua (UDI, Bolivia) | - | - |
Time | Presentation | Files | Video |
08:00 | Check-in and Exhibitor hall opens | - | - |
09:00 | Buenas Practicas y rutas dinamicas by Lucas Carandino (WEBSERVI.Net, Bolivia) | - | - |
09:45 | Case Study by David Escobedo Rios (COMUNICACIONES Y TELEMATICA S.A.C., Peru) | - | - |
10:30 | Implementacion de Router Cloud Core para la red de Campus Universitario by Juan Pablo Ribotta (UPSA, Bolivia) | - | - |
11:00 | Caso de exito: Red MESH para Universidad by Maximiliano Dobladez (MKE Solutions, Argentina) | - | - |
12:00 | Lunch | - | - |
13:30 | QoS and VoIP by Edwin Rojas (Expert Inova networks SRL, Bolivia) | - | - |
14:00 | BGP para ISPs by Julian Fassiano (Prozcenter, Argentina) | - | - |
15:00 | Monitoreo by Freddy Bohorquez Quevedo (TecTel, Bolivia) | - | - |
15:30 | Raffle and closing of MUM | - | - |
Best Practices for RouterOS service level as well in L2 and L3 to avoid future problems
Installation kvm and erp for android and web applications. On an x86 computer kvm and accounting ERP is installed, to have using web and android.Se accceso install a web server and a database
Description and Devolopment of a Security Metropolitan Network for Cameras and other security devices. This project was developed in Villamontes, Tarija, Bolivia. This count with more than 150 mikrotik devices.
OSPF sobre PPPoE como solución WISP.
Calidad de Servicio y Buenas practicas en RouterOS para VoIP
Implementación del protcolo de ruteo BGP en redes WIPS / ISP.
Monitoreo de redes Mikrotik con SNMP