Agenda for MUM in Indonesia, OCTOBER 2017
updated on 2018-02-02 11:44:51 GMT+02:00
Oct 26, Thursday
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16:30 |
Meet 'n' greet, early registration |
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Oct 27, Friday
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08:00 |
Check-in and Exhibitor hall opens. Bring your printed tickets! |
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09:00 |
Opening and introduction, new products by Martins Strods (MikroTik, Latvia) |
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09:45 |
IP Firewall raw: protect connection-tracking by Valens Riyadi (Citraweb, Indonesia) |
10:20 |
What's new in wireless since RouterOS v6.37 by Achmad Mardiansyah (GLC Networks, Indonesia) |
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10:55 |
SXT LTE un wAP LTE configuration tips and tricks by Wenas Ongkowinoto (Primabananen Pte. Ltd., Indonesia) |
11:30 |
Prayer and lunch break |
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13:30 |
Rural MikroTik Wireless Project [Mapping, Design & Alignment] by Muhti Subiyantoro (Spectrum Indonesia, Indonesia) |
14:15 |
Penggunaan MikroTik di lingkungan Pusdikhub TNI AD - MikroTik implementation on Communication Training Center of Indonesian Army by Mayor Chb. Yunifel Sassaw (Pusdikhub Kodiklat TNI AD, Indonesia) |
14:45 |
Mikrotik Implementation for Measuring Quality of Services at Biznet Network by Agus Ariyanto (Vice President Network, Biznet, Indonesia) |
15:15 |
The Dude now and in future by Rofiq Fauzi (Rofiq Fauzi, ID-Networkers, Indonesia) |
16:00 |
MikroTik Hotspot Audit & Hardening by Michael Takeuchi (PT. Maxindo Mitra Solusi, Indonesia) |
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13:30 |
Breakout session - Routing by Novan Chris (Citraweb, Indonesia) |
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14:30 |
Breakout Session - Hotel WiFi - implement wireless network that works - CAPsMAN overview, CAP setup, Provisioning, VLAN's, Certificates, CAP upgrade and more by Farras Afif Perdana (ID-Networkers, Indonesia) |
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15:30 |
Breakout Session - running a small WISP for beginners! by Wenas Ongkowinoto (Primabananen Pte. Ltd., Singapore) |
Oct 28, Saturday
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09:00 |
Wireless tools and tips to build wireless by Antonius Duty Susilo (Indonesia) |
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09:30 |
CCTV monitoring and controlling with Mikrotik (Mikrotik is part of security system) by Miftakhul Huda (Politeknik Harapan Bersama Tegal, Indonesia) |
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10:00 |
User Manager Sebagai Local User Authentication di MikroTik by Parmohonan Hasibuan (SMK Taruna Bhakti Depok, Indonesia) |
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10:45 |
Implementation Site to Site VPN Server With L2TP / IP Sec by Gesit Anggraito Thoriq At-Taqwa (Smk Karya Guna Bhakti 2 Kota Bekasi, Indonesia) |
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11:15 |
Layer 2 Network Redundancy by Abdul Latif Khumaidi (BestPath Network, Indonesia) |
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Speaker Profiles and Presentation Abstracts
What's new in wireless since RouterOS v6.37
In this presentation, i will talk about improvements / new features on MikroTik RouterBoard since RouterOS version 6.37. If time permits, there will be live demo and attendees can participate
SXT LTE un wAP LTE configuration tips and tricks
Product Live Demo and Configuration: SXT LTE and wAP LTE. Live Configuration settings on stage, with integration to CAPsMAN and tunneled network.
Rural MikroTik Wireless Project [Mapping, Design & Alignment]
Mapping, desain dan pointing wireless adalah seni bagi teknisi wireless.
Masih banyak orang yang tidak menguasai keahlian ini. Padahal, bila kita
tahu cara menggunakan alat bantu, hal ini bukanlah sesuatu yang sulit.
Sebagai contoh project wireless di pedesaan dan tempat-tempat yang belum
pernah kita kunjungi, desain dan pemetaannya bisa kita selesaikan tanpa
harus survey visual terlalu lama di lokasi. Sehingga waktu dan biaya
survey bisa ditekan. Demikian pula cara mengarahkan antenna. Banyak cara
sederhana yang bisa mempercepat pekerjaan ini.
Wireless mapping, design and alignment is art of wireless engineer There
are still many people who don't have this skill. If we know how to use
tools, this is not a difficult thing. As an example of wireless projects
in the rural area and places we have never visited, we can complete the
design and mapping without having to visuals survey for too long at the
site. So that the time and cost of surveys can be suppressed. Similarly
how to direct the antenna. There are many simple ways that can accelerate
this work.
Mikrotik Implementation for Measuring Quality of Services at Biznet Network
Biznet is one of the most prominent ISP in Indonesia, they have operation in 80+ CITIES, 1000+ BUILDINGS, 400,000+ HOMEPASS
MikroTik Hotspot Audit & Hardening
I will speak about router and Hotspot authentication method and how to securing that, Indonesia have many kids and they was interest how to hack MikroTik and they always asking me about it, so I will talk about securing your MikroTik before the kids hit you
Wireless tools and tips to build wireless
This presentation will talk about wireless in theory and practice
Bucket size in queues
Traffic shaping?
• Hierarchial in HTB
• Bucket Size in HTB
• Hierarchial + Bucket Size in HTB
Router in the Cloud - CHR. Setup, licensing and use cases
Cloud Hosted Router basic installation. Licensing difference between x86 based and CHR. Simple CHR Implementation example for personal, education, and business purpose.
Monitoring Traffic with Mikrotik Traffic Flow
I want to share my experience using Mikrotik device at my company. Normally, we used Mikrotik's feature for monitoring our inbound and outbound traffic with graph interface.
MikroTik new 60GHz implementation and its comparison with other existing MikroTik wireless solutions LIVE DEMO!!!
Wireless Wire provides Gigabit wire speed over wireless network. New Wireless Wire product line provides low cost, high speed wireless links for shorter distances. In this presentation we will see how 60GHz devices could be used in different usage scenarios, we will look into link performance testing and troubleshoot common configuration and placement mistakes. We will also talk about the pros and cons of different frequency selection for long range wireless links. At the end of the presentation there will be a demo of the Wireless Wire kit performance.
How To Implement Wireless QoS with WMM And DSCP
This presentation will explain how it works and how to implement WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia) and DSCP (Differentiated Service Code Point) in Mikrotik. Thanks
Load Balancing using iBGP Dynamic Routing
How to manage load balancing traffic between two or more lines backbone (wire or wireless), make it manageable and order on different capacity line backbone, and automatically auto backup / fail tolerance using iBGP dynamic routing
Breakout session - Routing by Novan Chris (Citraweb, Indonesia)
A short workshop session & discussion dedicated to MikroTik RouterOS routing features - tunnels, OSPF, etc. - Novan Chris (Citraweb, Indonesia)
Breakout Session - running a small WISP for beginners! by Wenas Ongkowinoto (Primabananen Pte. Ltd., Singapore)
To fill this session: [Breakout Session - How to run a small WISP - How to choose equipment best suited for the task, How many clients per AP should you allow, Can you deliver QoS? ...and more by TBA]
How to manage a Wireless ISP? Not that simple but you can simplify it.
Will include on how to select and size AP and CPE.
Language spoken: Bahasa Indonesia - Wenas Ongkowinoto (Primabananen Pte. Ltd., Singapore)
Wireless tools and tips to build wireless by Antonius Duty Susilo (Indonesia)
This presentation on how to build a wireless network using mikrotik. Starting from the concept, tools, tips and tricks so as to build a proper wireless network and reliable - Antonius Duty Susilo (Indonesia)
CCTV monitoring and controlling with Mikrotik (Mikrotik is part of security system) by Miftakhul Huda (Politeknik Harapan Bersama Tegal, Indonesia)
We have a CCTV System that is integrated with the main LAN network, while the network segment is different from the admin network.
In monitoring and control it is expected only accessible by network admin.
In order to meet the above requirements then the required routing and NAT.
Mikrotik is very easy in routing and NAT settings so in this case it is used as the main heart of such settings.
This presentation will present how we use Mikrotik as a CCTV System Controller at our institution, so it can be used as an insight and experience sharing in using of Mikrotik in everyday life (Mikrotik is part of security system) - Miftakhul Huda (Politeknik Harapan Bersama Tegal, Indonesia)
User Manager Sebagai Local User Authentication di MikroTik by Parmohonan Hasibuan (SMK Taruna Bhakti Depok, Indonesia)
How to create,delete,change User Authentication On MikroTik with UserManager - Parmohonan Hasibuan (SMK Taruna Bhakti Depok, Indonesia)
Implementation Site to Site VPN Server With L2TP / IP Sec by Gesit Anggraito Thoriq At-Taqwa (Smk Karya Guna Bhakti 2 Kota Bekasi, Indonesia)
Presentasi ini akan menjelaskan tentang Implementasi VPN menggunakan L2TP +(IP Sec) pada MikroTik untuk menghubungkan 2 jaringan lokal di SMK Karya Guna Bhakti 2 Kota Bekasi yang memiliki 2 gedung yang berbeda lokasi - Gesit Anggraito Thoriq At-Taqwa (Smk Karya Guna Bhakti 2 Kota Bekasi, Indonesia)
Layer 2 Network Redundancy by Abdul Latif Khumaidi (BestPath Network, Indonesia)
Redundancy is a method can be used for a critical network so there is no downtime - Abdul Latif Khumaidi (BestPath Network, Indonesia)
Oct 26, Thursday
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16:30 |
Meet 'n' greet, early registration |
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Oct 27, Friday
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08:00 |
Check-in and Exhibitor hall opens. Bring your printed tickets! |
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09:00 |
Opening and introduction, new products by Martins Strods (MikroTik, Latvia) |
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09:45 |
IP Firewall raw: protect connection-tracking by Valens Riyadi (Citraweb, Indonesia) |
10:20 |
What's new in wireless since RouterOS v6.37 by Achmad Mardiansyah (GLC Networks, Indonesia) |
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10:55 |
SXT LTE un wAP LTE configuration tips and tricks by Wenas Ongkowinoto (Primabananen Pte. Ltd., Indonesia) |
11:30 |
Prayer and lunch break |
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13:30 |
Rural MikroTik Wireless Project [Mapping, Design & Alignment] by Muhti Subiyantoro (Spectrum Indonesia, Indonesia) |
14:15 |
Penggunaan MikroTik di lingkungan Pusdikhub TNI AD - MikroTik implementation on Communication Training Center of Indonesian Army by Mayor Chb. Yunifel Sassaw (Pusdikhub Kodiklat TNI AD, Indonesia) |
14:45 |
Mikrotik Implementation for Measuring Quality of Services at Biznet Network by Agus Ariyanto (Vice President Network, Biznet, Indonesia) |
15:15 |
The Dude now and in future by Rofiq Fauzi (Rofiq Fauzi, ID-Networkers, Indonesia) |
16:00 |
MikroTik Hotspot Audit & Hardening by Michael Takeuchi (PT. Maxindo Mitra Solusi, Indonesia) |
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13:30 |
Breakout session - Routing by Novan Chris (Citraweb, Indonesia) |
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14:30 |
Breakout Session - Hotel WiFi - implement wireless network that works - CAPsMAN overview, CAP setup, Provisioning, VLAN's, Certificates, CAP upgrade and more by Farras Afif Perdana (ID-Networkers, Indonesia) |
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15:30 |
Breakout Session - running a small WISP for beginners! by Wenas Ongkowinoto (Primabananen Pte. Ltd., Singapore) |
Oct 28, Saturday
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09:00 |
Wireless tools and tips to build wireless by Antonius Duty Susilo (Indonesia) |
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09:30 |
CCTV monitoring and controlling with Mikrotik (Mikrotik is part of security system) by Miftakhul Huda (Politeknik Harapan Bersama Tegal, Indonesia) |
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10:00 |
User Manager Sebagai Local User Authentication di MikroTik by Parmohonan Hasibuan (SMK Taruna Bhakti Depok, Indonesia) |
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10:45 |
Implementation Site to Site VPN Server With L2TP / IP Sec by Gesit Anggraito Thoriq At-Taqwa (Smk Karya Guna Bhakti 2 Kota Bekasi, Indonesia) |
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11:15 |
Layer 2 Network Redundancy by Abdul Latif Khumaidi (BestPath Network, Indonesia) |
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Speaker Profiles and Presentation Abstracts
What's new in wireless since RouterOS v6.37
In this presentation, i will talk about improvements / new features on MikroTik RouterBoard since RouterOS version 6.37. If time permits, there will be live demo and attendees can participate
SXT LTE un wAP LTE configuration tips and tricks
Product Live Demo and Configuration: SXT LTE and wAP LTE. Live Configuration settings on stage, with integration to CAPsMAN and tunneled network.
Rural MikroTik Wireless Project [Mapping, Design & Alignment]
Mapping, desain dan pointing wireless adalah seni bagi teknisi wireless.
Masih banyak orang yang tidak menguasai keahlian ini. Padahal, bila kita
tahu cara menggunakan alat bantu, hal ini bukanlah sesuatu yang sulit.
Sebagai contoh project wireless di pedesaan dan tempat-tempat yang belum
pernah kita kunjungi, desain dan pemetaannya bisa kita selesaikan tanpa
harus survey visual terlalu lama di lokasi. Sehingga waktu dan biaya
survey bisa ditekan. Demikian pula cara mengarahkan antenna. Banyak cara
sederhana yang bisa mempercepat pekerjaan ini.
Wireless mapping, design and alignment is art of wireless engineer There
are still many people who don't have this skill. If we know how to use
tools, this is not a difficult thing. As an example of wireless projects
in the rural area and places we have never visited, we can complete the
design and mapping without having to visuals survey for too long at the
site. So that the time and cost of surveys can be suppressed. Similarly
how to direct the antenna. There are many simple ways that can accelerate
this work.
Mikrotik Implementation for Measuring Quality of Services at Biznet Network
Biznet is one of the most prominent ISP in Indonesia, they have operation in 80+ CITIES, 1000+ BUILDINGS, 400,000+ HOMEPASS
MikroTik Hotspot Audit & Hardening
I will speak about router and Hotspot authentication method and how to securing that, Indonesia have many kids and they was interest how to hack MikroTik and they always asking me about it, so I will talk about securing your MikroTik before the kids hit you
Wireless tools and tips to build wireless
This presentation will talk about wireless in theory and practice
Bucket size in queues
Traffic shaping?
• Hierarchial in HTB
• Bucket Size in HTB
• Hierarchial + Bucket Size in HTB
Router in the Cloud - CHR. Setup, licensing and use cases
Cloud Hosted Router basic installation. Licensing difference between x86 based and CHR. Simple CHR Implementation example for personal, education, and business purpose.
Monitoring Traffic with Mikrotik Traffic Flow
I want to share my experience using Mikrotik device at my company. Normally, we used Mikrotik's feature for monitoring our inbound and outbound traffic with graph interface.
MikroTik new 60GHz implementation and its comparison with other existing MikroTik wireless solutions LIVE DEMO!!!
Wireless Wire provides Gigabit wire speed over wireless network. New Wireless Wire product line provides low cost, high speed wireless links for shorter distances. In this presentation we will see how 60GHz devices could be used in different usage scenarios, we will look into link performance testing and troubleshoot common configuration and placement mistakes. We will also talk about the pros and cons of different frequency selection for long range wireless links. At the end of the presentation there will be a demo of the Wireless Wire kit performance.
How To Implement Wireless QoS with WMM And DSCP
This presentation will explain how it works and how to implement WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia) and DSCP (Differentiated Service Code Point) in Mikrotik. Thanks
Load Balancing using iBGP Dynamic Routing
How to manage load balancing traffic between two or more lines backbone (wire or wireless), make it manageable and order on different capacity line backbone, and automatically auto backup / fail tolerance using iBGP dynamic routing
Breakout session - Routing by Novan Chris (Citraweb, Indonesia)
A short workshop session & discussion dedicated to MikroTik RouterOS routing features - tunnels, OSPF, etc. - Novan Chris (Citraweb, Indonesia)
Breakout Session - running a small WISP for beginners! by Wenas Ongkowinoto (Primabananen Pte. Ltd., Singapore)
To fill this session: [Breakout Session - How to run a small WISP - How to choose equipment best suited for the task, How many clients per AP should you allow, Can you deliver QoS? ...and more by TBA]
How to manage a Wireless ISP? Not that simple but you can simplify it.
Will include on how to select and size AP and CPE.
Language spoken: Bahasa Indonesia - Wenas Ongkowinoto (Primabananen Pte. Ltd., Singapore)
Wireless tools and tips to build wireless by Antonius Duty Susilo (Indonesia)
This presentation on how to build a wireless network using mikrotik. Starting from the concept, tools, tips and tricks so as to build a proper wireless network and reliable - Antonius Duty Susilo (Indonesia)
CCTV monitoring and controlling with Mikrotik (Mikrotik is part of security system) by Miftakhul Huda (Politeknik Harapan Bersama Tegal, Indonesia)
We have a CCTV System that is integrated with the main LAN network, while the network segment is different from the admin network.
In monitoring and control it is expected only accessible by network admin.
In order to meet the above requirements then the required routing and NAT.
Mikrotik is very easy in routing and NAT settings so in this case it is used as the main heart of such settings.
This presentation will present how we use Mikrotik as a CCTV System Controller at our institution, so it can be used as an insight and experience sharing in using of Mikrotik in everyday life (Mikrotik is part of security system) - Miftakhul Huda (Politeknik Harapan Bersama Tegal, Indonesia)
User Manager Sebagai Local User Authentication di MikroTik by Parmohonan Hasibuan (SMK Taruna Bhakti Depok, Indonesia)
How to create,delete,change User Authentication On MikroTik with UserManager - Parmohonan Hasibuan (SMK Taruna Bhakti Depok, Indonesia)
Implementation Site to Site VPN Server With L2TP / IP Sec by Gesit Anggraito Thoriq At-Taqwa (Smk Karya Guna Bhakti 2 Kota Bekasi, Indonesia)
Presentasi ini akan menjelaskan tentang Implementasi VPN menggunakan L2TP +(IP Sec) pada MikroTik untuk menghubungkan 2 jaringan lokal di SMK Karya Guna Bhakti 2 Kota Bekasi yang memiliki 2 gedung yang berbeda lokasi - Gesit Anggraito Thoriq At-Taqwa (Smk Karya Guna Bhakti 2 Kota Bekasi, Indonesia)
Layer 2 Network Redundancy by Abdul Latif Khumaidi (BestPath Network, Indonesia)
Redundancy is a method can be used for a critical network so there is no downtime - Abdul Latif Khumaidi (BestPath Network, Indonesia)