Mongolia on June 16, 2017

Порядок денний MUM Mongolia, JUNE 2017

updated on 2017-06-28 13:05:37 GMT+03:00

Jun 16, Friday

Час Детальна інформація Files Video
09:00 Check-in and Exhibitor hall opens. Bring your printed tickets - -
10:00 Opening and introduction, new products by MikroTik by Sergejs Boginskis (MikroTik, Latvia) presentation file presentation video
11:30 Use RouterOS as intelligent management router for enterprises by Otgonkhuu Amsarvaa (Mongolia) presentation file presentation video
12:00 RouterOS hidden feature tricks & implement social wifi on mikroitk hotspot. by Erdenetsogt D (erdenetsogt, Mongolia) presentation file presentation video
12:45 Lunch break - -
14:00 Features and usage examples of wAP device by Maris Bulans (MikroTik, Latvia) presentation file presentation video
14:40 Billing system for Internet Service Providers (ISP) by Enkhdelger N. presentation file presentation video
14:55 Basic guidelines on RouterOS configuration and debugging by Sergejs Boginskis (MikroTik, Latvia) presentation file presentation video
15:40 Raffle and closing of MUM, free drinks and beer! - -

Стисла інформація про доповідача та тези доповіді

Use RouterOS as intelligent management router for enterprises

Would like to share my experience what is the possibility of RouterBOARD to use it as management router and firewall of the enterprises network including their branch offices. Also how to do that. What kind of hidden possibilities it has. This case study is the most popular use cases in Mongolia rather than ISP use cases.

RouterOS hidden feature tricks & implement social wifi on mikroitk hotspot.

RouterOS usage best practice on small medium networks. Implementing hidden features and tricks.