diperbarui pada 2018-11-20 12:44:37 GMT+02:00
Installing and configuring WiFi is about understanding more than just how to configure RouterOS. By avoiding common mistakes and assumptions made when deploying WiFi using RouterOS can lead to a higher quality of installation. We will be covering some of the pitfalls we've seen and show how to avoid them whether installing vanilla RouterOS based WiFi radios or preferably CAPsMAN.
Basic security from 'out the box' to more bespoke non-default set ups
One of the unique and loved features of RouterOS - scripts! This presentation will provide even more reasons to fall in love with them, showing some usual and unusual options they give. - what they give us (apart from looking cool) - how we can run them (manually, scheduled, different triggering "events", and - YAY!! - SNMP!) - how they can communicate with users (and other systems) - how they can process data (variables, loops, arrays, yes - also multi-dimentional ones!) - why defining functions makes it even better! - how we can make few MikroTiks "talk to each other", triggereing some actions - ... other nice features :) And a bonus: - can I play battleships between 2 MikroTik routers? :D This is NOT a tutorial/training/course. To learn scripting you need to go online start writing yourself. This IS a presentation to inspire, entertain and show how SIMPLE and COOL the scripting can be.
Vipnet Baixada is one of the largest telecommunication operators in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro / Brazil. The presentation is a real case study of the tools and functionalities that MikroTik has and how they were implemented to do the network has high availability and resistant to failures. I will present several protocols and demonstrate how they can help to improve availability and resilience to failures.
How to create a Tik that's manageable remotely but locked down to avoid attacks. Basic Steps Soft Security Ultimate Steps Good Network Design
We will look at some of the newest features of the new bridge setup introduced since 6.41 and how a CRS3xx series switches can be used in the LAN.
With some real world examples we will show that the Dude is not dead and is a reliable monitoring option compared to other solutions out there. We will show some use cases and the ups and downs of the Dude or how you can get around known issues. MiSaxNet is using Dude in its live environment for monitoring all of the equipment from MikroTik and other Vendors. MiSaxNet is an ISP in East Germany running wireless, coaxial and wired Internet services.