EUROPE on March 07 - 08, 2019

جدول الأعمال ل MUM في EUROPE, MARCH 2019

تحديث في 2019-04-05 10:08:14 GMT+03:00

Mar 06, Wednesday

وقت العرض التقديمي ملفات فيديو
18:00 Meet 'n' greet party, early registration - -

Mar 07, Thursday

وقت العرض التقديمي ملفات فيديو
08:00 Check-in and Exhibitor hall opens. Bring your printed tickets - -
09:00 Opening and introduction, new products by MikroTik presentation file presentation video
09:30 Common MikroTik OSPF mistakes and how to avoid them by Lorenzo Busatti (Grifonline S.r.l., Italy) presentation file presentation video
10:00 IPv6 new features and dual stack limit implementation. by Leo De Geer (Satellithuset i Limmared AB, Sweden) presentation file presentation video
10:45 Make your LTE interface shine by Andis Arins, SPX SIA ( - Andis Arins, Latvia) - presentation video
11:15 Monitoring and debugging (with) RouterOS by Patrik Schaub (FMS Internetservice GmbH, Germany) presentation file presentation video
12:00 Lunch - -
13:30 MikroTik 60GHz news by Antons Beļajevs (MikroTik, Latvia) presentation file presentation video
14:00 Optimising Your MikroTik Layer2 configuration by Jono Thompson (BirchenallHowden Ltd, United Kingdom) presentation file presentation video
14:45 TR-069 and genieACS: Practical configuration by Jorge Castellet Marques (YaTuAprendes, Spain) presentation file presentation video

Mar 08, Friday

وقت العرض التقديمي ملفات فيديو
08:00 Check-in and Exhibitor hall opens. Bring your printed tickets - -
09:00 MikroTik complete solution for ISP by Flávio Gomes Figueira Camacho (Vipnet Baixada Telecomunicacoes e Informatica LTDA, Brazil) presentation file presentation video
09:45 Network Design - Using MikroTik CHR as an MPLS router by Kevin Myers (IP ArchiTechs, USA) presentation file presentation video
10:45 This is Why I Hate MikroTik by David Savage (MikroTikSA, South Africa) presentation file presentation video
11:30 Understanding throughput. by Jānis Meģis (MikroTik, Latvia) presentation file presentation video
12:15 Lunch - -
13:45 Security analysis of recent RouterOS exploits by Tomas Kirnak (Atris Spol. s r.o., Slovakia) - presentation video
14:30 Repository based RouterOS script distribution by Christian Hesse (Christian Hesse, Germany) presentation file presentation video
15:15 Raffle and closing of MUM - -

ملفات وملخصات العرض التقديمي للمتحدث

Common MikroTik OSPF mistakes and how to avoid them

Installing and configuring OSPF is about understanding more than just how to configure RouterOS. By avoiding common mistakes and assumptions made when deploying OSPF using RouterOS can lead to a higher quality of installation. We will be covering some of the pitfalls we've seen and show how to avoid them.

Make your LTE interface shine

LTE interface in RouterOS opened new era of routing capabilities. New features allow to meet more complex routing challenges. This presentation focuses on LTE setups and explores basic and advanced network scenarios.

Monitoring and debugging (with) RouterOS

The growing number of devices and the increasing complexity of even medium sized networks are creating new challenges for their operation. Management, monitoring, logging and debugging are becoming time consuming and sometimes complicated tasks. This presentation will show approaches on how to complete these tasks successfully with and for MikroTik RouterOS.

MikroTik 60GHz news

Small update about MikroTik 60GHz development

Optimising Your MikroTik Layer2 configuration

This presentation will help you to understand and use the new Layer 2 features that are found in the new bridge settings since 6.41. This presentation will focus on Layer 2 configuration and how to obtain the best performance from your hardware. This presentation will encourage you use the new MikroTik hardware and features correctly. This presentation will also look at some of the issues related to improper use of Router OS Layer 2 features.

TR-069 and genieACS: Practical configuration

We will configure the genieACS from scratch to use it with our mikrotik. We will configure our system so that among other things, verify the version of the routerOS at the reboot and update if necessary, configure the wireless interface (by device) and other parameters of the mikrotik (for all)

MikroTik complete solution for ISP

Vipnet is a telecommunications operator that uses only mikrotik, the presentation will show that RouterOS is a complete solution, I will introduce and show you how we implemented a fault-tolerant Broad Band Access Server, which allocates each client an IPv4 and IPv6, as we automatically insert the rules of each client into the firewall, as we do the marking of the packets and application of the QoS rules, how we implemented the routes. The presentation is a tutorial on how to implement a complete and extremely functional solution with mikrotik.

Network Design - Using MikroTik CHR as an MPLS router

This presentation will review the performance and configuration of a MikroTik CHR in MPLS networks Specific Topics include: Hypervisor selection (ESXi,KVM,Hyper V) NIC Selection MTU settings and impact Performance using Explicit Null vs. Implicit Null Throughput MPLS L2 and L3 VPN performance MPLS TE performance

This is Why I Hate MikroTik

Through the years I have heard many misconceptions about RouterOS. This highlights some of the common complaints about RouterOS, why they are misguided, and how to fix them.

Understanding throughput.

Lets talk about MikroTik device throughput, how one should test it, what is common misunderstandings and how to improve the numbers

Security analysis of recent RouterOS exploits

In this presentation, we analyze the recent RouterOS exploits that utilized Vault7, Winbox client-side and Winbox server-side vulnerabilities. How were the attacks performed? What did the attackers do with exploited routers? What was the impact and the spread of the attacks? Finally, we will talk about security, and how to protect yourself from exploits like these in the future by analyzing what should have been done by network administrators to prevent these exploits.

Repository based RouterOS script distribution

Scripting is a powerful feature in RouterOS, managing dozens of scripts on hundreds or thousands of devices is a challenging task. All you need is a web server - let scripts do the work for you!