actualizado el 2018-10-30 08:48:52 GMT+02:00
Oct 18, Thursday
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16:30 |
Meet 'n' greet, early registration, free welcome drinks. |
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Oct 19, Friday
Hora |
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08:00 |
Check-in and Exhibitor hall opens. Bring your printed tickets! |
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09:00 |
Opening and introduction, new products by Pauls Jukonis (MikroTik Latvia) |
09:45 |
Firewall/QoS case studies by Valens Riyadi (Citraweb, Indonesia) |
10:30 |
Building Enterprise Wireless with MikroTik CAPsMAN by Achmad Mardiansyah (GLC networks, Indonesia) |
11:15 |
Setting an OpenVPN on Linux and MikroTik to securely access a web server by Teddy Yuliswar (, Indonesia) |
12:00 |
Lunch break |
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13:30 |
MikroTik Automation using Script, SSH, and API by Ahmad Rosid Komarudin (ID-Networkers, Indonesia) |
14:15 |
Practice IDS (Intrution Detection System) with MikroTik by Antonius Duty Susilo (Indonesia) |
14:45 |
MikroTik RouterOS 6to4 Tunnel by Dedy Cahyadi (Universitas Mulawarman, Indonesia) |
15:30 |
Security analysis of recent RouterOS exploits by Tomas Kirnak (Atris Spol. s r.o., Slovakia) |
16:15 |
OSPF Over L2TP by Andy Thomas (Winner Indonesia Learning Centre, Indonesia) |
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13:30 |
Breakout session - GPS implementation case study by Adyatma Yoga (Citraweb, Indonesia) |
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14:30 |
Breakout Session - Blokir Web dan Managemen Bandwidth dengan TLS-Host, case study by Indra Mulia Marpaung (drTrain, Indonesia) |
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15:30 |
Breakout Session - Implementing VLAN over wireless, case study by Danang Bagus Wiyanto (smk pgri 3 tanggul, Indonesia) |
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Oct 20, Saturday
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08:00 |
Check-in and Exhibitor hall opens. Bring your printed tickets! |
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09:00 |
RouterOS, Firewall, and Beyond: Maintain IP Reputation Over the Internet by Michael Takeuchi (PT. Maxindo Mitra Solusi, Indonesia) |
09:30 |
Aggregate Load Balance with BGP and MPLS by Firdhyan Adhie Lesmana (PowerNet Liberia, Liberia) |
10:00 |
LTE implementation case study by Pujo Dewobroto (Citraweb, Indonesia) |
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10:45 |
Pemanfaatan GNS3 pada simulasi Jaringan Kampus UKRIM Yogyakarta by Azriel Christian Nurcahyo, S.Kom (Universitas Kristen Immanuel Yogyakarta, Indonesia) |
11:30 |
Getting Started OpenVPN Server with MikroTik on the Docker Container by Ananda Dwi Rahmawati (SMK SAKTI GEMOLONG, Indonesia) |
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12:00 |
Lunch break |
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13:30 |
MPLS & L3VPN by Muhammad Fathan Mubina (SMK IDN, Indonesia) |
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13:45 |
Wireless and Wired bridging using VLANs by Yohanes Gunawan Yusuf (Universitas Surabaya (UBAYA), Indonesia) |
14:45 |
Manage Your Hotspot With MikroTik API by Asmunanda Imam Rasyid (Hosting Bandung, Indonesia) |
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15:15 |
Implement Split Tunneling with MikroTik by Isa (Isa Pangestu, Indonesia) |
15:45 |
Access RouterOS using Multi-Factor Authentication by Didiet Kusumadihardja (Didiet Kusumadihardja, Indonesia) |
16:15 |
Using VRRPv3 on MikroTik by Parmohonan Hasibuan (SMK Taruna Bhakti Depok, Indonesia) |
17:00 |
Raffle and closing of MUM by MikroTik |
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09:00 |
Multicasting on MikroTik RouterOS by Dewi Noviastuti (SMKN 1 BEKASI, Indonesia) |
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09:30 |
What is MPLS Traffic Engineering by Rafi Naufal (Jawdat Teknologi Indonesia, Indonesia) |
10:15 |
Bandwidth Managment Queue Burst and Token Bucket by Iqsyam Rahmat Zulkarnain (SMK KARYA GHUNA BHAKTI 2, Indonesia) |
10:45 |
Wireless Seamless using EAP authentication by SULIH Tiyo Adi (PT Citraweb Solusi Teknologi, Indonesia) |
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11:15 |
Optimizing Your WiFi with Customized Login Page by Muhamad Mumtaz (HIGO Fitur Indonesia, PT, Indonesia) |
Perfiles de los oradores y resúmenes de presentación
Building Enterprise Wireless with MikroTik CAPsMAN
In this presentation, I will talk about how to build Enterprise Wireless Network with a help of CAPsMAN
Setting an OpenVPN on Linux and MikroTik to securely access a web server
Sometimes we need direct secure connect to our application with web service, the problem is we cannot have static ip public on main and branch office (they get internet from ISP with dynamic IP) With this solution we just provided a VPS (Virtual Private Server) with linux as OS and being openvpn server and mikrotik as client. This case study for mikrotik login hotspot with social media for bus company (wifi ready on bus).
MikroTik Automation using Script, SSH, and API
Introduce how to do Automation on MikroTik
Practice IDS (Intrution Detection System) with MikroTik
Intrusion Detection System is a software or hardware application that can detect suspicious activity in a system or network. IDS can inspect inbound and outbound traffic in a system or network, perform analysis and look for evidence of intrusion experiments (intrusions).
MikroTik RouterOS 6to4 Tunnel
According to statistical data, IPv4 is almost used up by various RIRs (not even left in ARIN). IPv6 is a successor and a solution to IPv4 limitations. IPv6 can work together with IPv4 on a network device. 6to4 is a method that can be used to transition from IPv4 to IPv6, using an existing IPv4 network to tunnel between IPv6-based networks. In a 6to4 tunnel the IPv6 data packet is encapsulated into an IPv4 packet. To secure a 6to4 tunnel, IPSec Secret can be used so that the connection will be encrypted.
Security analysis of recent RouterOS exploits
In this presentation, we analyze the recent RouterOS exploits that utilized Vault7, Winbox client-side and Winbox server-side vulnerabilities.
How were the attacks performed? What did the attackers do with exploited routers?
Finally, we will talk about security, and how to protect yourself from exploits like these in the future.
At the moment, many companies have several branches in different regions with different numbers of computers and segments in each branch. Although different places are all related to each other using VPN.
Well, the problem that often happens is if there is a change in a segment in one area, it will cause changes in routing in another area. If using a static route will make the link between the networks become broken and complicated to set up(Why? 2 Branches is easy. how about more than 10 branches?) If using dynamic route ... everything will run automatically and easily.
Nb. Based on personal experience
RouterOS, Firewall, and Beyond: Maintain IP Reputation Over the Internet
Introduction about Flooding, Malicious/Anomalies Traffic, Denial of Services (DOS), Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS), Unauthorized Access/Illegal Access, Bruteforce Login, Spamming, piracy problem that makes our IP Reputation bad. I will explain about the impact and also the prevention with firewall rules & features on MikroTik RouterOS
Aggregate Load Balance with BGP and MPLS
Setup Aggregate Load Balance with BGP and MPLS. Already implemented and used on PowerNet Liberia West Africa.
Pemanfaatan GNS3 pada simulasi Jaringan Kampus UKRIM Yogyakarta
Penggunaan jaringan internet kampus UKRIM Yogyakarta pada awal tahun 2018 belum seperti saat ini yang sudah menerapkan sistem VLAN dan penggunaan perangkat hampir seluruhnya berbasis MikroTik dari RO Distribusi hingga ke titik access point terbawah. Pada kesempatan ini saya hendak menjelaskan bagaimana penggunaan GNS3 dan MikroTik sebagai simulasi untuk pembuatan jaringan sebelum diterapkan secara real di lapangan, dan hasilnya mampu mengcover dan menjadikan bahan pembelajaran bagi network administrator.
Saat ini saya bekerja sebagai admin jaringan UKRIM dan sedang studi S2 di Magister Teknik Informatika Amikom Yogyakarta.
Kombinasi GNS3 dan MikroTik saat ini juga menjadi bahan thesis saya untuk penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai manajerial bandwidth.
Getting Started OpenVPN Server with MikroTik on the Docker Container
Based on beznosa/openvpn-mikrotik repository, in this presentation I want
to bring the topic about OpenVPN MikroTik Using Docker Container.
OpenVPN server in a Docker container complete with an EasyRSA PKI CA and setted up for using with MikroTik routers.
Initialize the volume container using the beznosa/openvpn-mikrotik image with the included scripts to automatically generate:
1. Diffie-Hellman parameters
2. a private key
3. a self-certificate matching the private key for the OpenVPN server
4. an EasyRSA CA key and certificate
5. a TLS auth key from HMAC security
Why i use Docker?
Benefits of Running Inside a Docker Container
1. The Entire Daemon and Dependencies are in the Docker Image
2. It Doesn't Stomp All Over the Server's Filesystem
3. Some (arguable) Security Benefits
4. Differences from jpetazzo/dockvpn (No longer uses serveconfig to distribute the configuration via https)
MPLS is one of the fastest way of sending packets at this time therefore I will discuss MPLS, In addition MPLS also has a very useful vpn method on the network and of course with a smaller load and faster than other vpn methods
Wireless and Wired bridging using VLANs
The Faculty of Engineering - University of Surabaya (Ubaya) is situated in a large area and there are several buildings and areas. There are lots of wifi-zones that are handled by several APs. This wireless infrastructure is used by various kinds of users for various interests, such as: students, lecturers, employees and management. To handle various types of users and their interests, as well as simplify management for network settings, the topology infrastructure model is changed by implementing the bridge in "Vlan over WDS".
With the transparent bridge on Vlan over WDS, it is easier for network administrators in managing the network, such as: bandwidth management, routing management and time-based access previledge management.
Manage Your Hotspot With MikroTik API
Presentation explains how to build, manage MikroTik hotspot using MikroTik API with PHP and MySQL.
Implement Split Tunneling with MikroTik
We want to share how to implement the split tunnel on MikroTik and on many endpoints (Windows based)
Access RouterOS using Multi-Factor Authentication
With various data breach events happening in the world, we cannot rely solely on using username and password. Data breach is not only at the application level. Data breaches also occur in network devices such as MikroTik. We as network administrators must apply more security to the authentication of our MikroTik devices.
Didiet Kusumadihardja. Private Cyber Security Consultant with 12 years of experience in IT. Policy, Procedure, and Technical.
Using VRRPv3 on MikroTik
How to use VRRPv3 on MikroTik with IPv6 Address
Breakout Session - Blokir Web dan Managemen Bandwidth dengan TLS-Host, case study by Indra Mulia Marpaung (drTrain, Indonesia)
Bagaimana implementasi blokir web dan managemen bandwidth menggunakan TLS-Host parameters. - Indra Mulia Marpaung (drTrain, Indonesia)
Multicasting on MikroTik RouterOS by Dewi Noviastuti (SMKN 1 BEKASI, Indonesia)
make it easy communication between a single computer
with multiple computers in specific group, Usually used for streaming, TV Cable, etc - Dewi Noviastuti (SMKN 1 BEKASI, Indonesia)
What is MPLS Traffic Engineering by Rafi Naufal (Jawdat Teknologi Indonesia, Indonesia)
Describe what is MPLS Traffic Engineering and how to use it in MPLS Backbone. - Rafi Naufal (Jawdat Teknologi Indonesia, Indonesia)
Bandwidth Managment Queue Burst and Token Bucket by Iqsyam Rahmat Zulkarnain (SMK KARYA GHUNA BHAKTI 2, Indonesia)
How to implementation Bandwidth Managment on MikroTik with Queue Burst And Token Bucket at SMK KARYA GUNA BHAKTI 2 BEKASI - Iqsyam Rahmat Zulkarnain (SMK KARYA GHUNA BHAKTI 2, Indonesia)
Wireless Seamless using EAP authentication by SULIH Tiyo Adi (PT Citraweb Solusi Teknologi, Indonesia)
Wireless Seamless using EAP authentication - SULIH Tiyo Adi (PT Citraweb Solusi Teknologi, Indonesia)
Optimizing Your WiFi with Customized Login Page by Muhamad Mumtaz (HIGO Fitur Indonesia, PT, Indonesia)
Captive portal may be one of the most undermined feature from the MikroTik. People who runs venues and cafes can use social media login, where data and other useful information could be drawn and managed. Advertisers may exploit an unclosable ads page, in addition to redirecting to your web page. Comical folks might just put a mini game in there. With a little tweak and customization (and imagination), these options offered plentiful way to optimize your wifi. - Muhamad Mumtaz (HIGO Fitur Indonesia, PT, Indonesia)
Oct 18, Thursday
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16:30 |
Meet 'n' greet, early registration, free welcome drinks. |
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Oct 19, Friday
Hora |
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08:00 |
Check-in and Exhibitor hall opens. Bring your printed tickets! |
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09:00 |
Opening and introduction, new products by Pauls Jukonis (MikroTik Latvia) |
09:45 |
Firewall/QoS case studies by Valens Riyadi (Citraweb, Indonesia) |
10:30 |
Building Enterprise Wireless with MikroTik CAPsMAN by Achmad Mardiansyah (GLC networks, Indonesia) |
11:15 |
Setting an OpenVPN on Linux and MikroTik to securely access a web server by Teddy Yuliswar (, Indonesia) |
12:00 |
Lunch break |
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13:30 |
MikroTik Automation using Script, SSH, and API by Ahmad Rosid Komarudin (ID-Networkers, Indonesia) |
14:15 |
Practice IDS (Intrution Detection System) with MikroTik by Antonius Duty Susilo (Indonesia) |
14:45 |
MikroTik RouterOS 6to4 Tunnel by Dedy Cahyadi (Universitas Mulawarman, Indonesia) |
15:30 |
Security analysis of recent RouterOS exploits by Tomas Kirnak (Atris Spol. s r.o., Slovakia) |
16:15 |
OSPF Over L2TP by Andy Thomas (Winner Indonesia Learning Centre, Indonesia) |
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13:30 |
Breakout session - GPS implementation case study by Adyatma Yoga (Citraweb, Indonesia) |
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14:30 |
Breakout Session - Blokir Web dan Managemen Bandwidth dengan TLS-Host, case study by Indra Mulia Marpaung (drTrain, Indonesia) |
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15:30 |
Breakout Session - Implementing VLAN over wireless, case study by Danang Bagus Wiyanto (smk pgri 3 tanggul, Indonesia) |
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Oct 20, Saturday
Hora |
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08:00 |
Check-in and Exhibitor hall opens. Bring your printed tickets! |
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09:00 |
RouterOS, Firewall, and Beyond: Maintain IP Reputation Over the Internet by Michael Takeuchi (PT. Maxindo Mitra Solusi, Indonesia) |
09:30 |
Aggregate Load Balance with BGP and MPLS by Firdhyan Adhie Lesmana (PowerNet Liberia, Liberia) |
10:00 |
LTE implementation case study by Pujo Dewobroto (Citraweb, Indonesia) |
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10:45 |
Pemanfaatan GNS3 pada simulasi Jaringan Kampus UKRIM Yogyakarta by Azriel Christian Nurcahyo, S.Kom (Universitas Kristen Immanuel Yogyakarta, Indonesia) |
11:30 |
Getting Started OpenVPN Server with MikroTik on the Docker Container by Ananda Dwi Rahmawati (SMK SAKTI GEMOLONG, Indonesia) |
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12:00 |
Lunch break |
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13:30 |
MPLS & L3VPN by Muhammad Fathan Mubina (SMK IDN, Indonesia) |
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13:45 |
Wireless and Wired bridging using VLANs by Yohanes Gunawan Yusuf (Universitas Surabaya (UBAYA), Indonesia) |
14:45 |
Manage Your Hotspot With MikroTik API by Asmunanda Imam Rasyid (Hosting Bandung, Indonesia) |
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15:15 |
Implement Split Tunneling with MikroTik by Isa (Isa Pangestu, Indonesia) |
15:45 |
Access RouterOS using Multi-Factor Authentication by Didiet Kusumadihardja (Didiet Kusumadihardja, Indonesia) |
16:15 |
Using VRRPv3 on MikroTik by Parmohonan Hasibuan (SMK Taruna Bhakti Depok, Indonesia) |
17:00 |
Raffle and closing of MUM by MikroTik |
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Hora |
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09:00 |
Multicasting on MikroTik RouterOS by Dewi Noviastuti (SMKN 1 BEKASI, Indonesia) |
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09:30 |
What is MPLS Traffic Engineering by Rafi Naufal (Jawdat Teknologi Indonesia, Indonesia) |
10:15 |
Bandwidth Managment Queue Burst and Token Bucket by Iqsyam Rahmat Zulkarnain (SMK KARYA GHUNA BHAKTI 2, Indonesia) |
10:45 |
Wireless Seamless using EAP authentication by SULIH Tiyo Adi (PT Citraweb Solusi Teknologi, Indonesia) |
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11:15 |
Optimizing Your WiFi with Customized Login Page by Muhamad Mumtaz (HIGO Fitur Indonesia, PT, Indonesia) |
Perfiles de los oradores y resúmenes de presentación
Building Enterprise Wireless with MikroTik CAPsMAN
In this presentation, I will talk about how to build Enterprise Wireless Network with a help of CAPsMAN
Setting an OpenVPN on Linux and MikroTik to securely access a web server
Sometimes we need direct secure connect to our application with web service, the problem is we cannot have static ip public on main and branch office (they get internet from ISP with dynamic IP) With this solution we just provided a VPS (Virtual Private Server) with linux as OS and being openvpn server and mikrotik as client. This case study for mikrotik login hotspot with social media for bus company (wifi ready on bus).
MikroTik Automation using Script, SSH, and API
Introduce how to do Automation on MikroTik
Practice IDS (Intrution Detection System) with MikroTik
Intrusion Detection System is a software or hardware application that can detect suspicious activity in a system or network. IDS can inspect inbound and outbound traffic in a system or network, perform analysis and look for evidence of intrusion experiments (intrusions).
MikroTik RouterOS 6to4 Tunnel
According to statistical data, IPv4 is almost used up by various RIRs (not even left in ARIN). IPv6 is a successor and a solution to IPv4 limitations. IPv6 can work together with IPv4 on a network device. 6to4 is a method that can be used to transition from IPv4 to IPv6, using an existing IPv4 network to tunnel between IPv6-based networks. In a 6to4 tunnel the IPv6 data packet is encapsulated into an IPv4 packet. To secure a 6to4 tunnel, IPSec Secret can be used so that the connection will be encrypted.
Security analysis of recent RouterOS exploits
In this presentation, we analyze the recent RouterOS exploits that utilized Vault7, Winbox client-side and Winbox server-side vulnerabilities.
How were the attacks performed? What did the attackers do with exploited routers?
Finally, we will talk about security, and how to protect yourself from exploits like these in the future.
At the moment, many companies have several branches in different regions with different numbers of computers and segments in each branch. Although different places are all related to each other using VPN.
Well, the problem that often happens is if there is a change in a segment in one area, it will cause changes in routing in another area. If using a static route will make the link between the networks become broken and complicated to set up(Why? 2 Branches is easy. how about more than 10 branches?) If using dynamic route ... everything will run automatically and easily.
Nb. Based on personal experience
RouterOS, Firewall, and Beyond: Maintain IP Reputation Over the Internet
Introduction about Flooding, Malicious/Anomalies Traffic, Denial of Services (DOS), Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS), Unauthorized Access/Illegal Access, Bruteforce Login, Spamming, piracy problem that makes our IP Reputation bad. I will explain about the impact and also the prevention with firewall rules & features on MikroTik RouterOS
Aggregate Load Balance with BGP and MPLS
Setup Aggregate Load Balance with BGP and MPLS. Already implemented and used on PowerNet Liberia West Africa.
Pemanfaatan GNS3 pada simulasi Jaringan Kampus UKRIM Yogyakarta
Penggunaan jaringan internet kampus UKRIM Yogyakarta pada awal tahun 2018 belum seperti saat ini yang sudah menerapkan sistem VLAN dan penggunaan perangkat hampir seluruhnya berbasis MikroTik dari RO Distribusi hingga ke titik access point terbawah. Pada kesempatan ini saya hendak menjelaskan bagaimana penggunaan GNS3 dan MikroTik sebagai simulasi untuk pembuatan jaringan sebelum diterapkan secara real di lapangan, dan hasilnya mampu mengcover dan menjadikan bahan pembelajaran bagi network administrator.
Saat ini saya bekerja sebagai admin jaringan UKRIM dan sedang studi S2 di Magister Teknik Informatika Amikom Yogyakarta.
Kombinasi GNS3 dan MikroTik saat ini juga menjadi bahan thesis saya untuk penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai manajerial bandwidth.
Getting Started OpenVPN Server with MikroTik on the Docker Container
Based on beznosa/openvpn-mikrotik repository, in this presentation I want
to bring the topic about OpenVPN MikroTik Using Docker Container.
OpenVPN server in a Docker container complete with an EasyRSA PKI CA and setted up for using with MikroTik routers.
Initialize the volume container using the beznosa/openvpn-mikrotik image with the included scripts to automatically generate:
1. Diffie-Hellman parameters
2. a private key
3. a self-certificate matching the private key for the OpenVPN server
4. an EasyRSA CA key and certificate
5. a TLS auth key from HMAC security
Why i use Docker?
Benefits of Running Inside a Docker Container
1. The Entire Daemon and Dependencies are in the Docker Image
2. It Doesn't Stomp All Over the Server's Filesystem
3. Some (arguable) Security Benefits
4. Differences from jpetazzo/dockvpn (No longer uses serveconfig to distribute the configuration via https)
MPLS is one of the fastest way of sending packets at this time therefore I will discuss MPLS, In addition MPLS also has a very useful vpn method on the network and of course with a smaller load and faster than other vpn methods
Wireless and Wired bridging using VLANs
The Faculty of Engineering - University of Surabaya (Ubaya) is situated in a large area and there are several buildings and areas. There are lots of wifi-zones that are handled by several APs. This wireless infrastructure is used by various kinds of users for various interests, such as: students, lecturers, employees and management. To handle various types of users and their interests, as well as simplify management for network settings, the topology infrastructure model is changed by implementing the bridge in "Vlan over WDS".
With the transparent bridge on Vlan over WDS, it is easier for network administrators in managing the network, such as: bandwidth management, routing management and time-based access previledge management.
Manage Your Hotspot With MikroTik API
Presentation explains how to build, manage MikroTik hotspot using MikroTik API with PHP and MySQL.
Implement Split Tunneling with MikroTik
We want to share how to implement the split tunnel on MikroTik and on many endpoints (Windows based)
Access RouterOS using Multi-Factor Authentication
With various data breach events happening in the world, we cannot rely solely on using username and password. Data breach is not only at the application level. Data breaches also occur in network devices such as MikroTik. We as network administrators must apply more security to the authentication of our MikroTik devices.
Didiet Kusumadihardja. Private Cyber Security Consultant with 12 years of experience in IT. Policy, Procedure, and Technical.
Using VRRPv3 on MikroTik
How to use VRRPv3 on MikroTik with IPv6 Address
Breakout Session - Blokir Web dan Managemen Bandwidth dengan TLS-Host, case study by Indra Mulia Marpaung (drTrain, Indonesia)
Bagaimana implementasi blokir web dan managemen bandwidth menggunakan TLS-Host parameters. - Indra Mulia Marpaung (drTrain, Indonesia)
Multicasting on MikroTik RouterOS by Dewi Noviastuti (SMKN 1 BEKASI, Indonesia)
make it easy communication between a single computer
with multiple computers in specific group, Usually used for streaming, TV Cable, etc - Dewi Noviastuti (SMKN 1 BEKASI, Indonesia)
What is MPLS Traffic Engineering by Rafi Naufal (Jawdat Teknologi Indonesia, Indonesia)
Describe what is MPLS Traffic Engineering and how to use it in MPLS Backbone. - Rafi Naufal (Jawdat Teknologi Indonesia, Indonesia)
Bandwidth Managment Queue Burst and Token Bucket by Iqsyam Rahmat Zulkarnain (SMK KARYA GHUNA BHAKTI 2, Indonesia)
How to implementation Bandwidth Managment on MikroTik with Queue Burst And Token Bucket at SMK KARYA GUNA BHAKTI 2 BEKASI - Iqsyam Rahmat Zulkarnain (SMK KARYA GHUNA BHAKTI 2, Indonesia)
Wireless Seamless using EAP authentication by SULIH Tiyo Adi (PT Citraweb Solusi Teknologi, Indonesia)
Wireless Seamless using EAP authentication - SULIH Tiyo Adi (PT Citraweb Solusi Teknologi, Indonesia)
Optimizing Your WiFi with Customized Login Page by Muhamad Mumtaz (HIGO Fitur Indonesia, PT, Indonesia)
Captive portal may be one of the most undermined feature from the MikroTik. People who runs venues and cafes can use social media login, where data and other useful information could be drawn and managed. Advertisers may exploit an unclosable ads page, in addition to redirecting to your web page. Comical folks might just put a mini game in there. With a little tweak and customization (and imagination), these options offered plentiful way to optimize your wifi. - Muhamad Mumtaz (HIGO Fitur Indonesia, PT, Indonesia)